Light My Lucky
-R. Scholes, N. R. Comley, G. L. Ulmer
About Writers & an Essay
R. Scholes -professor of English at Brown,
ON. R. Comley - professor at CUNY,
G. L. Ulmer - Professor at Florida.
It's an essay about an ad of a cigarette - "Lucky Strike Lights"
This essay talks about the cleverness of tobacco related Ads.
It is important for consumers to learn how to make a critical observatio of ads made for promotional purpose
Summarize the essay in your own words.
In this essay, an advertisement of a cigarette, 'Lucky Strike' and its important to the users has been vividly analyzed and researched. In the advertisement of the cigarette, there is an advertisement, "Light My Lucky" and down of it, there is a surgeon warning that it is harmful to pregnant. Similarly, in the advertisement, there is a beautiful girl whose left hand is on the head with a Lucky Strike cigarette.
Writers specially analyze the word "light" and surgeon warning. The word, "Light" has two meaning (Pun) (a) is related to fire (b) not weight. If we take the word, light as fire, it is metaphorically suggesting for sex. Similarly, if we think the meaning of the light with not weight,the light my lucky means the cigarette is very useful to have because it indirectly hints that it has less nicotine. Thus, advertisement association with the cigarette is beauty, health and sexual pleasure.
Metonyms means part representing whole. If we take the meaning of light associating with burning, it indicates fire.
The surgeon warning is so tricky. It only prohibits to take the Lucky Strike cigarette for pregnant women. Such prohibition hints for others that smoking "Lucky Strike" cigarette is quite healthy. In this way, advertisers use the word in order to brainwash the common people. Their main aim is to make tricky advertisement to sell their product in large numbers. So, Lucky Strike cigarette is well made advertisement to manipulate the cigarette users' mind.
Describe the advertisement. (विज्ञापनको बारेमा व्याख्या गर्नुहोस् ।)
Ans: An advertisement (often shortened to advert or ad) is the promotion of a product, brand or service to a viewership in order to attract interest, engagement and sales. Advertisements come in many forms, from copy to interactive video, and have evolved to become a crucial feature of the app marketplace.
The writers describe an advertisement for Lucky Strike Light cigarettes. How does the description bring the image of the ad to your mind? (लेखकहरूले लकी स्ट्राइक लाइट सिगरेटको लागि विज्ञापनको वर्णन गर्छन्। यसले तपाइको दिमागमा कस्तो मानसिक चित्र निर्माण गर्छ?)
Ans: An advertisement for 'Lucky Strike Light' cigarette gives many images to our mind. If we take the meaning of light association to fire, then we get the image of being sexual. If we take its meaning as not weight, then we make the image of being healthy in comparison of having other branded cigarette.
What are the metonymic associations? मेोनिमिक एसोसिएसनहरू के हुन् ?)
Ans: Metonymy association of the cigarette advertisement is mainly the use of punning of word 'light.' Light means not weight and related to fire. If we take both meaning once, light means beauty, healthy and fire. have sexual intercourse.
"Light my fire"-in what way is it a metaphor? "aries दिनुहोस्" - यो कुन अर्थमा आलंकारिक हो?
Ans: "Light my fire" is a metaphor because it stands to make sexual intercourse. Fire in many film and song have erotic connection.. Here fire stands for sex. So, light my fire means that to start to
Why is it important to read ads critically ? (विज्ञापनलाई आलोचनात्मक रूपमा पढ्नु किन महत्त्वपूर्ण छ ?)
Ans: Advertisement is made to sell product but not to give actual reality of the product. Advertisement is neither true nor false. Its main aim is to sell the product. If we do not use our conscience to buy the product, we will be cheated. So, it is important to read advertisement critically. If we trust the word of the cigarette advertisement, then start having, we will get serious problem: So, we need to judge the product rather following the advertisement blindly.